UPDATE.for CLP 365
I put spi flash memory on my programmer MiniPro TL866cs

and I programmed "ready dumps" CLP360_V3.00.01.14.bin
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LoginEverything went ok.
but another problem The printer does not allow printing reports.

Black toner cartridge is not compatible. Check user's guide. (appears in Easy Printer Manager).

-I do not have another black chip.
- I tried to put on SPI FLASH MEMORY with the programmer, another fix firmware with another Crum , but the printer do not turn ON
What can I do in this situation? Can be
Black Crum series reading from memory chip spi flash with programmer? (how can i found black crum ?)
and then to create fixed firmware reset
can someone create me a fimware only with serial number (it appears in Easy Printer Manager Z6Y7BJEC7001BYH) ?
any other ideas are welcome.