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Автор Тема: CLp 365 debug spi flash programmer HELP  (Прочитано 5394 раз)

Оффлайн iohan

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CLp 365 debug spi flash programmer HELP
« : Март 24, 2014, 10:26:29 pm »
Hello friends

I want to debug printer clp 365
 in DOWNLOAD MODE (Eco + Power button) 
with my usb ttl converter
connected TX, RX, GND  (image 1)
but I have a problem.
When I load the original firmware following error appears (image 2)
Downloaded Image is not valid 
Reset target and run flash writing program again. 
Where I'm wrong?

« Последнее редактирование: Апрель 03, 2014, 06:53:40 am от iohan »

Оффлайн iohan

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Re: CLp 365 debug
« Ответ #1 : Апрель 01, 2014, 10:59:31 pm »
UPDATE.for CLP 365
I put spi flash memory on my programmer MiniPro TL866cs

  and I programmed "ready dumps" CLP360_V3.00.01.14.bin 
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Everything went ok.

but another problem
The printer does not allow printing reports.

Black toner cartridge is not compatible. Check user's guide. (appears in Easy Printer Manager).

-I do not have another black chip.
- I tried to put on SPI FLASH MEMORY with the programmer, another fix firmware with another Crum , but the printer do not turn ON

What can I do in this situation?
Can be Black Crum series   reading  from memory chip spi flash with  programmer? (how can i found black crum ?)
 and then to create fixed firmware reset


can someone create me a fimware only with serial number (it appears in Easy Printer Manager  Z6Y7BJEC7001BYH) ?


any other ideas are welcome.


Оффлайн iohan

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Re: CLp 365 debug spi flash programmer
« Ответ #2 : Апрель 03, 2014, 06:52:48 am »

I found a black original chip.
I put the cartridge. result (see image)

I printed reports (configuration and supplies information)
BLACK Crum _12092736279
I created fixed in the printer firmware and put in FORCE MODE (download mode).
After restarting the printer again bad result.

I loaded the original firmware again and returned to normal (with chip)
I FIX again with FIX_12092736279_CLP360_V3.00.01.14U.hd but not work.

what can be the PROBLEM?
can somebodyhelp me?

Оффлайн Aleksey Mo-skin

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Re: CLp 365 debug spi flash programmer HELP
« Ответ #3 : Апрель 03, 2014, 08:48:59 am »
The chip has already been used for another printer firmware.
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Оффлайн iohan

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Re: CLp 365 debug spi flash programmer HELP
« Ответ #4 : Апрель 03, 2014, 10:20:27 am »
Yes. was taken from another  printer reseted.
If I buy a new original chip will work?
How do I know before buying if it is original or not?