i saw that now also that firmware is everytime above vx.xx.02.xx
ant then i tryed to find some pictures about the Motherboard ,that also don?t looks good ,they are totally different and use a different type of cpu so i think that porting the firmware would also not be possible :-(
how does it look about resetting the toner cartridge eeproms?
as the pinout of they ,they are only regular i2c eeproms and it should be easy to reprogram these when someone know what is stored on it
but unfortunately i have already tried to read from they and i cant get nothing out of it .
has anyone an idea of what i need to look when i'm reading ?
as reader i use a genuine TL866A from autoelectric.cn
and i tried a lot of different types of chips and even de soldered the chip from the mainboard, but nothing...